Artist Statement

The tension between lost and found drives me in the studio and is the springboard for all of my art-making.

My work evolves around that tension using landscape, memory and time. Pieces are altered, etched, scratched through, and painted with layers of glaze. Some are collaged before the final firing with bits of maps and charts to indicate paths of exploration. These are not literal trails but more markers of memories real and imagined.

Driven by the same desire to explore my surroundings, I have an ongoing series focusing on patterns in the landscape. In these, I am zooming in to etch close-ups of wildflowers, pine needles and the intertwining vines of poison oak.

Landscape flips into “dreamscape” in another collection. These are also maps of a sort, becoming ceramic paintings of layered imagery, bright color and pattern.

In all of my work, risk-taking propels me forward. Each step informs the next and there is always the chance of a stumble.